Манзараҳои ҷанги Гурҷистон

Исти кӯтоҳи нерӯҳои Русия ҳангоми вуруди корвони тонку зиреҳпӯшҳои Русия ба Схинволӣ дар 9-уми августи соли 2008. - Caption: epa01436631 Russian soldiers have a short stop, as the column of Russian troops is on the march to Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, Georgia 09 August 2008. Russian Foreign Minister said on Saturday Russia's latest steps in the Caucasus are a response to Georgia's violation of the international commitments and standards.

Зане дар миёни шикастпораҳо дар Горӣ пас аз бомбаборон шудани шаҳр аз тарафи нерӯҳои Русия, 9 августи соли 2008. - A Georgian woman passes by a building hit by Russian bombardments in Gori on August 9, 2008.

Бомбаборони Горӣ аз тарафи ҳавопаймоҳои русӣ дар рӯзи 9 август. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Лаҳзаи бомбаборони Горӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Лаҳзаи бомбаборони Горӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Лаҳзаи бомбаборони Горӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Нерӯҳои Осетияи Ҷанубӣ дар назди тонки суқуткардаи Гурҷистон дар Схинволӣ (НТВ) - A Russian NTV channel television grab shows South Ossetian separatist troops near a destroyed Georgian tank in Tskhinvali on August 9, 2008. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili declared a "state of war" on Saturday as his troops battled it out with Russian forces over the breakaway province of South Ossetia.

Лаҳзаи бомбаборони Горӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Интиқоли захмиёни ҳамлаҳои ҳавоии Русия дар шаҳри Горӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Раиси ҷумҳури Гурҷистон, Михеил Саакашвилӣ дар аёдати захмии бобмаборонҳои Русия. - Caption: epa01436724 Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili speaks to a patient during a visit to a military hospital in Gori, about 80 km from Tbilisi, Georgia 07 August 2008. President Mikheil Saakashvili has ordered Georgian troops out of the South Ossetian capital

Лаҳзаи бомбаборони Горӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Лаҳзаи бомбаборони Горӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Photos by RFE/RL Georgian Service Koba Liklikadze

Даъвати сарбозони "захиравӣ"-и Гурҷистон. - Caption: epa01436235 Georgian called-up reservists sit at the central square of Gori, having rest on their way to Tskhinvali region, Georgia 09 August 2008. Russian and Georgian armed forces were locked in combat on Friday over control of the Caucasus region South Ossetia, with hundreds of civilians reported killed or injured.

Нерӯҳои Русия дар шаҳракаи Ҷаваи Осетияи Ҷанубӣ - Russian troops sit on armoured personnel carriers in the South Ossetian town of Java on August 9, 2008.

Сӯхтани хонаи истиқоматии гурҷӣ пас аз бомбаборони нерӯҳои Русия, 9 августи соли 2008. - Caption: epa01436472 Burning apartment building after the bomb attack of Russian warplanes on Gori, Georgia 09 August 2008. The war between Russian and Georgia expanded with fighting spilling outside the Caucasus province of Ossetia, and both sides moving reinforcements to the region.

Фирори аҳолии осоишта аз ҷангҳо дар шаҳраки Ҷаваи Осетияи Ҷанубӣ, 9 августи соли 2008. - Caption: epa01436601 South Ossetian people run to take shelter in the village of Dzhava, Georgia, 09 August 2008. The war between Russian and Georgia expanded with fighting spilling outside the Caucasus province of Ossetia, and both sides moving reinforcements to the region